Kids Dentistry

Kids Dentistry

Humans start teething when they are as young as 6 months old and develop their set of primary ‘milk’ teeth. At the age of 6-7 years, humans start losing their milk teeth and the permanent set of teeth start emerging. Because the milk teeth will eventually fall off, some parents tend to ignore taking their child to a dentist. However, these milk teeth form the basis of developing permanent teeth. If proper care is not taken the problems can emerge which will last a lifetime. In recent years the cases of caries in children have grown manifold. Therefore, it is always advised to start taking care of your baby’s teeth in the very early stages of their life. This includes setting Oral Hygiene routine and regular visits to pediatric dentist.

Why do we need a Kids Specialist?

Kids Dentist or Pediatric Dentist are trained to take care of dental complexities of kids and teens. Pediatric dentistry is a separate field dedicated to kids, their Oral Health prevention and preparation for the future.

What treatment modalities are offered by the Pediatric Dentist
Pediatric Dentist work towards maintaining good oral health in kids. The treatment provided by them includes:

  • Examination of infants and teens. It includes the oral caries assessment in mothers and their kids
  • They are an expert is protecting your kids’ teeth by doing a fluoride treatment
  • Habit counseling in which the doctors help to keep the habits of kids in control
  • Correction of crooked and misaligned teeth
  • Treatment of tooth cavities
  • Treatment of dental injuries

At Valley Creek Dental we believe that teaching children effective dental habits from an early age is important to ensure lifelong good oral health practices. Call our friendly team at Valley Creek Dental to book your child’s oral health check-up today.